How did you get an agent and book deal?
It's a long story! I've written an epic blog series, the first post is live here.​​
Is 4DQ part of a series?
The second book in my two-book deal with Putnam is a standalone YA sci fi/fantasy called THE VANISHING DEEP. Currently, FOUR DEAD QUEENS is not part of a series but I have many ideas to expand the complex world. So my answer is, hopefully!​
I love ARCs! They make my heart happy. Can I get one for your next book?
They make me happy too! And I'd love to share an ARC with you when I can. Sign up to my newsletter for a chance.
Is there anything your newsletter can't do?
Not that I know of. It's pretty magical! ;)
Who are your favorite authors?
I love Laini Taylor, Amie Kaufman, Leigh Bardugo, Meagan Spooner, Marie Lu, Sabaa Tahir and Alison Goodman. I adore anyone who can take me on a journey to a fantastical place that feels, tastes and sounds real.
Why do you write YA?
YA is my home. It's the category I wish I had as a teenager when I was struggling to pick a genre to read. YA smashes boundaries and expectations and you can mix genres as you please. YA is plot-heavy and character diverse and never boring. For me, plot is Queen, and so is YA.
How many cats do you have?
20. Kidding! I have 2 and they are the cutest! Check out my Instagram and Twitter for pics. I also post a lot about YA books, let's be friends!
I've noticed you really like Disney. What's that about?
You have been misinformed, my friend. I don't like Disney, I LOVE Disney. Disney was a huge part of my childhood and I attribute my love for all things fantastical, magical and good because of Disney. Disney theme parks are my happy place and while I live far from the nearest park, Disneyland is still considered my second home.