March: FOUR DEAD QUEENS was on the INDIE BESTSELLER LIST for four weeks!
February 28th: The book launch party of FOUR DEAD QUEENS was at Gold Bar in NYC!
December 11th: FOUR DEAD QUEENS was featured in the Australian YA Showcase for books to watch for in 2019!
October 4/5/6: I was at New York Comic Con!
September 25th 2018: FOUR DEAD QUEENS is coming to Australia and NZ with Allen & Unwin!
July 19th 2018: FOUR DEAD QUEENS is at San Diego Comic Con!
July 4th 2018: I received my first FOUR DEAD QUEENS ARCs! See my reaction here
June 1st 2018: The stunning FOUR DEAD QUEENS cover is revealed! www.penguinteen.com/see-the-exclusive-cover-reveal-for-four-dead-queens-your-new-favorite-book/
May 2018: first bound copies of FOUR DEAD QUEENS are released at YALLWest!
April 2017: Turkish rights for FOUR DEAD QUEENS were sold in an auction to Yabancı Yayınları
February 2017: FOUR DEAD QUEENS was acquired by Putnam books, an imprint of Penguin, in a two book deal. Find out more here
December 2016: Signed with Hillary Jacobson of ICM Partners
August 2016: Accepted into Pitch Wars 2016